Transcription or score of a musical instruments, handwritten report, (120 pages). Transcription by Ruben Federizon. Contains: Nose flute (excerpt) (Bnt 12 S1 no. 1), Kulatut: Rice Stalk Flute (Bl 3 S1 no. 12), Imitation of the sound of the Mumulawin (tampuy-lantoy) (Excerpt) (Bkd 1 S1 no. 9), Pamamwang (Palundag) (Ata 2 S1 no. 12), Playing of the Kulaleng (Bnt 9 S1 no. 5), Nose flute (excerpt) (Bnt 13 Sd 1 No. 1), Ongiyong: Nose flute (If 7 S2 no. 4), Tulale: Adoracion Celeste (Il 24 S2 no.4), Ogayam (nose flute) (Isg 1 S2 no. 2), Ogayam: Bali-ing (Isg 1 S2 no. 14), (Paldeng) Oggayam (Isg 3 S2 no. 2), Salidummay (Paldeng) (Isg 3 S1 no. 4), Flute (suling) (Jm 7 S1 no. 17), Flute (suling) (Jm 7 S1 no. 17), Tuning of the Olimong (Klng 20 S2 no. 12), Tuning of the Paldeng (Klng 20 nS2 no. 17, 18), Paldeng: Dang-dang-ay (peace, pact; parties; recreation) (Klng 20 S2 no. 15), Paldeng: Dangdang-ay (peace pact) (Klng 20 S2 no. 16), Palendag (lip valley flute) (Mgd 4 Sd1 no. 2), Lantoy (Mgd 32 S2 no. 5), Palundag Tune (Mgd 33 S2 no. 11), Dulidul (excerpt) (mgd 16 S1 no. 1), Palundag (excerpt) (Mgd 32 S2 no. 7), Towali (Manobo flute) (Excerpt) (Mnb 25 S1 no. 6), Dumagey (Mnb 33 S1 no. 2), Sinagew (tiwali) (excerpt) (Mng 1 Sd 1 no. 6), Ananayu (Pondag) (Mng 1 S1 no. 7), Playing of the tulali (mouth flute) (Mns 2 S1 no. 6), A Tune from the Manggob (parandag)(excerpt) (Mns 4 S1 no. 1), Kasomba sa Rosan: Flute (Mr 20 S2 no. 9), Lantoy (Mr 36 S2 no. 19), Sering: Suling (Sml 1 S1 no. 12), Taliwatiw (Ng 2 S1 no. 12), Tompong (flute) (Sb 4 S2 no. 6), Tiungkas tandawan: suling (Excerpt) (Ts 10 S1 no. 4), . (Bnt 73 Federizon transcription)